Sunday, December 13, 2009


An exciting event for my small electronics history happened a few days ago. I got to participate in the phenomenon known as The Great Internet Migratory Box of Electronic Junk! For those of you unfamiliar with TGIMBOEJ, you take a box, fill it with electronic junk, and send it to someone who wants it. They take out stuff, put other stuff in, and send it along. Of course, as this is the internet box of electronics, it needs to be documented on teh interwebs! So here you are.

Allen in Boulder sent me the Gray-K box. I got it last Wednesday. Totally made my day.


The insides of the box in all their glory! Look at all those goodies just waiting to be let out!

Everything all spread out. Who knew so much could fit in one small box?

What I took out:

Two mice
A cell phone (I know my dad had one like this)
Most of a music player
A fuel-less lighter
Giant chip of some sort
A Cybiko
A ToolLogic. I've wanted one for ages

What I put in:

Some RAM
An answering machine
A dart game
A CD drive
A rabbit-ears antenna
A Turbo-Twist math game

I must say, I have big plans for my acquisitions... well, at least plans.

If you have too much electronic junk and are looking for different junk, one man's trash is another man's treasure. Look no further than The Great Internet Migratory Box of Electronic Junk!